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Showing posts from August, 2017

Travel Takeaways.

Being a millenial comes with its own pros and cons. From being born in mid/late 80s when the technology boom had not yet hit us, to growing up and becoming literally slaves to our mobile phones and laptops. We have had opportunities that our previous generations couldn't even dream of and (at the very least) the chance to have a quality of life that they could hardly, if ever, hope to afford. Small wonder then, that our hobbies and interests have also evolved from simplistic joys like reading at home to now travelling extensively to the places we read about or opting to attend music festivals in different countries to experience the music itself -these being only a few examples among many, many more.  Like most others of my generation, I enjoy travelling immensely. Travelling was more of a compulsion rather than a hobby growing up thanks to my father's job, but somehow I grew to enjoy the experience and continue to do so till date. But more than the different places, the