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Showing posts from April, 2020

Quarantine Diaries

It is a Sunday morning. I wake up lazily around 8.30 am (which is two hours later than my usual), not sleep deprived and groggy for a change. A relaxed breakfast with the husband over discussions about the morning news followed by some chores and on to cooking a typical Sunday lunch of mutton curry and rice, which compels us to give in to the temptation of an afternoon siesta. The evening is spent enjoying some me-time – reading or calling up friends and family. Sounds like any usual Sunday, doesn’t it? Not for us. This, is something I haven’t been able to do (with or without Covid-19 wreaking havoc worldwide) for the longest time. For those who don’t know me, I and my husband are doctors currently working in Kerala. We moved here around 7 months ago from Assam for my husband’s three year superspeciality course. What with him being a first year DM resident and me working as an Assistant Professor in a medical college here, we both hardly get any time to spend with each other. Th