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What Women Want

It's a question that has stumped all, and that too since centuries. What do women want? Women have been labelled puzzling, moody, incredulously unpredictable creatures - and I do not disagree or deny any of these. We are all of this, and more. We are foolishly childish when happy, vicious when angry, oddly silent when hurt, smiling while maybe crying inside - we are quite a handful, to say the least. 

With all our weird eccentricities, no wonder men don't get us. Men, conditioned to support, encourage and bear the major "responsibilities" in life - Men, those delightfully upfront creatures who wait for a similar upfront response from women...only to be met with monosyllables, or worse, total silence. Sounds familiar, eh?

The famous book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" tried to tackle this problem head on years ago. I remember the initial few pages were about how men should simply listen, and not do anything per se, since all that the women want to do is vent - and hence, all they need is a listener. True, that. But what do women want when they go into those puzzling, long silences?  

Unfortunately, the answer is what they want is probably humanly impossible. Because we want them to understand the issue without actually saying it. It's weird, stupid and downright ridiculous even, but it's true. We do expect that. We expect them to know what to get us for our birthdays without us having to say it; we expect them to surprise us with stuff rather than ask us whether we would like to have that very same thing ; we expect them to understand what hurt us in a fight/discussion without actually saying it out loud - no wonder they can't make head or tail of anything!

Being a woman myself, I don't have any justifications for why we do this. And honestly, I don't think any are needed. This is how we were, are, and always will be. What's weird is that on many occasions, when I have conciously tried to be more vocal, I realised it comes with a weird sense of.... dissatisfaction -- as if the whole purpose of the thing is lost once you say it! And that ends up frustrating us further, making us more sullen and grumpy! 

Hence, although I think I know the answer to what women want, I still don't have a solution for it. Simply because I think there isn't meant to be one. This is how we are, and I guess always will be. Trying to change it conciously makes us unhappy, so why bother? I guess God meant for us to have such quirks, so that men and women continue to spar with each other --- because irrespective of what men or women want - Balance is what He wants! :-P


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